A formative-assistance workshop for voluntary paediatricians

Care of Progresso Hotel, the formative-assistance workshop for paediatric voluntary staff about sanitary problems in sub-saharian Africa. A lot of associations take part at the project.

Stefania Serino

kluyver, pediatri, ospedale, Ciad, San Benedetto, Turval Laboratories, Laboratori turval, Turello, il quotidiano.it

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Assesor  Loredana Emili and  Dr. Antonio Masetti at the Progresso Hotel



A formative-assistance workshop opened Friday, January 23rd, at 3:30 p.m. – on the specific diseases of sub-Saharan Africa at Hotel Progresso in San Benedetto del Tronto, that will continue through Sunday, January 25th.
The goal is to train pediatricians and nurses that will be able to collaborate in projects geared at pediatric care in favor of developing countries. At the end of the project, a work group was established that joined The Italian Society of Pediatric Urgent Care and the Family Pediatricians for Children of the World ONLUS (Child WorldWide CCWW).
Social politics assessor Loredana Emili, representing the public administration, who together with the Touristic Consortium “Riviera delle Palme” and some private businesses (Soledil, Turval Laboratories and Alioscia Distributions), were present at the opening of the workshop, allowed many doctors and nurses, as well as distinguished speakers from all around Italy, to be reunited in this city of the Marches.
Dr. Antonio Masetti, Coordinator of the National Emergency Committee, Dr. Stefano del Torso, President of the Family Pediatricians for Children Around the World Association, Dr. Gianni Messi of the Italian Medical Emergency Society, Dr. France di Girolami of San Benedetto (who is in charge of the logistics concerning the workshop), and last but not least Dr. Paparusso Nicola of the ONLUS Mamma Italia Association, were all present at the workshop.
The the initiative promoted by the ONLUS Mamma Italia,which financed the project, aroused particular interest. The funds were gathered from the 2009 calendars “Grandi tra i grandi” where important political people are shown together with children of all ethnicities: “Everything started at a meeting with Dr. Masetti,” explains Paparusso, “where the project of relative solidarity was presented to us at the workshop.”
“We immediately posed the problem of how to gather funds to sustain the commendable initiative and we decided to use our experience -- I as the NATO Delegation Consultant in Parliament, and Gentilini, who is an experienced journalist for the Rai, now working for Mediaset, with the aim of gathering politicians and making a calendar with pictures of them together with children of all ethnicities. This initiative brought large participation from an array of politicians: from Bertinotti to La Russa, from Fassino to Andreotti, including the President of the Board, Silvio Berlusconi. We are very satisfied with the final product.”
In occasion of the opening of the workshop, a film relating the making of the calendar was made, in which it was interesting to see important politicians depicted with the important people of the future-- children.