
  • Humans

    Lactic yeast, Kluyveromyces m.f B0399 (TURVAL B0399) is a new generation probiotic strain capable of counteracting both bacterial and fungal dysbiosis of the intestinal mucosa (eg. IBS, halitosis, traveler's diseases, Ab-associated diarrhea, chronic inflammatory states), oral (halitosis, inflammatory states - eg. periodontitis) and vaginal mucosa (eg. candidiasis) thanks to a set of advantageous properties. Synergy with other bioactive compounds and bioingredients favours some of its functions over the others. Here are some examples.

  • Nutrition
  • Animal health: cattle, swine and poultry

    Turval products have an undoubtable probiotic effect with evident auxinic effects, producing positive results in economic terms. EC and US-FDA approved.

  • Animal health: horse, pet and exotic

    Turval products are intestinal bioregulator with selected lactic yeast. The first natural active probiotic that penetrates the gastric barrier.

  • Price List

    Products for horse, pet and exotic animals.